
Greetings from the Carolinas!

The south is famous for hospitality and traditions. With that in mind, I would like to graciously welcome you to my Blog. Please join me while I share my passions and reminisce about life in the south.

I have finally realized that one of the keys to an amazing life is to enjoy the journey as we are working towards our goals & our dreams. Becoming a "Gamma" has been such a blessing and helped me slow down and enjoy each precious minute of my day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The French Chef with Julia Child! Take a tour of her Kitchen!

I have warm fuzzy feelings when watching the early shows of "The French Chef" with Juila Child. Those were the days! Julia Child made sophisticated cooking accessible to America through her charm and wit. Her legacy lives on in the recipes, kitchen humor, and philosophy of millions. She was so passionate. You can hear it in her voice.  I admire her so! This weekend I enjoyed watching many of them and thought I would share the link with you.

I enjoy my time in the kitchen so much. It is like therapy and relaxes me. If I am a little stressed I can pull out my fancy apron   ( I will share that pic soon!) and a good cookbook and bake my way to feeling happy!!
  Bon Appétit
If you would enjoy watching some of her shows, click this link:

When Julia Child moved back to her home state of California in 2001, she donated the kitchen from her Cambridge, Massachusetts, home to the National Museum of American History. The exhibition features the actual kitchen, including the cabinets, appliances, cookbooks, kitchen table, and hundreds of utensils and gadgets.
Take a tour by clicking this link. You will be blessed to hear her message in her own voice and actually tour the exhibit on line.

Bon Appétit



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